Letter Factory
Letter of Appreciation
Reason: Holiday Party
Key Points to Writing
- f you haven't already, Take a writing class.
English Comp will do.
- WRITE!!! The more you do it, the better you get.
- Ask for HELP, not knowing what you are doing can hurt you, your Airmen & unit.
- Use various writing resources like Merriam-Webster Online
- Use a spell checker. (F7 Word)
- Remember, there is a purpose for writing a letter or MFR.
The following Letter of Appreciation example has been taken out of a Word. If you have anything you would like to
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Copy Directly on to Unit Letter Head!
SUBJECT: Letter of Appreciation
1. First and foremost, a huge THANKS for all you did to make the 2001 Holiday
party a big success. With your busy duty schedules, the constraints we put on
you and the limited resources available; you all found a way to make this work
for a 500+ member combat ground station- and work well!
2. This year's party was truly one to remember. The events of 9/11 gave us
reason to pause and remember what we hold dear .The party was a brief, yet
relaxing break for families, day shoppers and those on mission. A good time was
had by all.
3. We know you all worked long hours and put forth a Herculean effort to ensure
our party was a success. The food was extraordinary , the atmosphere great and
combining the kids party made the evening both enjoyable and easy on the
parents. The mission crews filled their stomachs continually until all that was
left was salad -lots of it@. You brought together the <SQU> extended family for
an evening of great food, entertainment and some light-hearted amusement.
4. On behalf of the men and women of <SQU>, we want to recognize your selfless
contributions and hard work. We can't say it enough, "Thanks for all you do."
Reminder, Signature lines are 5 spaces below the last line of text.